Auto finance life and death speed: Break and stand, transformation is the inevitable choice of "Cangu"

publish:2023-06-19 17:34:14   views :157
publish:2023-06-19 17:34:14  

It is difficult for the auto finance industry to return to the boom and prosperity of the past.

How to outperform the invisible whip of the market has become the number one problem for executives of auto finance companies. Not long ago, at an auto finance summit, several company executives whispered in the audience, some wanted to leave early, some chose to transform and break through, and some chose to watch and wait. Unfortunately, the reality is that only a very small number of companies can find a way out and change, and more companies are trapped in the curse of narrowing net interest margins, and eventually silently retreated by the market.

The reality is harsher than expected. At present, the macro economy is still full of uncertainty, which is the sword of Damocles hanging over the head of almost all financial companies. Especially after the collapse of the Silicon Valley bank, investors continue to worry about the occurrence of the Bank of America run, and the palatial appearance of banking institutions shows their vulnerable side for the first time in the outside world.

The aggressive consumption habits of the younger generation also pose risks. According to an internal report of consumer finance companies, there are 175 million post-90s people in the country, of which only 13.4% of young people are not in debt, while 86.6% of post-90s have been exposed to credit products. As the average debt ratio of young consumers continues to rise, credit risk is increasing.

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